Member-only story
Ramble #10
Catholic Church, Joe Rogan, YouTube and Spotify, and the fault in Structures.
I read once that the Catholic church built Cathedrals in order to humble the people who entered; that the actual function of those beautiful structure was to make people feel the weight and responsibility owed to the ideal figure of the Trinity. You enter a church and can visibly see the manifestation of humanities capacity to make order out of chaos. You see the individual, personified in Jesus, bearing the inherent suffering of life, willingly. A whole temple built around this ideal. What happened instead, is that the structures were worshipped. The stain glass windows and gothic carvings made the Pope’s, and the Bishops, and the attendees feel as if they were all powerful, rather than the philosophical underpinnings of the religion.
Joe Rogan recently moved to Spotify, and something about the on going battle between YouTube’s increased censorship, and content creators, reminded me of the Cathedrals and the Popes. From an outsiders perspective, YouTube seems to be going down the path that network television went down. Increased censorship, increased adds, more “you can say that, you can’t say this”, bickering. Arbitrary lines are being drawn in the sand, and ideological stances are being pursued. YouTube has fallen in love with its own structure. They have forgotten…